Exploring how to deal with loss and grief in PSHE in Year 4
In PSHE, we were learning about grief and loss. We read a story about a little boy named Elfie who lost his dog. In groups we came up with songs/raps to help him deal with his loss....
In PSHE, we were learning about grief and loss. We read a story about a little boy named Elfie who lost his dog. In groups we came up with songs/raps to help him deal with his loss....
This week in PE we were playing basketball. We first did some throwing practice to learn the correct way to pass the ball....
Year 2 celebrated the end of their SATS exams this week. We were so proud of all the work we had put into our exams and so we took some time to celebrate together with our friends and a fun picnic....
In our Maths lessons, we have been learning to tell the time to 5 minute intervals. We have been doing so well using our clocks to help us!...
In Literacy we have been writing lists of ingredients and resources we would need to make a dirt cup. Once we made them we also wrote a set of instructions so our friends in Nursery could have a go one day. It was so yummy!...
As part of our learning in our topic of 'Plants', we created our own design, we used flowers and paint to make prints. We explored the different parts of a flower from the seed to the petals. We then looked at a Japanese Artist's work...
We had the best time sharing our 'Morning song time' with our parents during stay and play this week!...
In Writing, we have been practising the skill of Instruction writing using bossy verbs. Our focus text is Jack and the Beanstalk and this week we wrote instructions for how to make a bean salad. Naturally we started off by making a yummy bean salad...
Click here to book a tour here, we have a few places left!...
In Baby room we’ve been learning about sea animals and the babies had painted and decorated some jelly fishes...