Learning about history through archeology in year 3
In History, we became archeologists and discovered artefacts from the Stone Age. Once we found an artefact we passed it around and made predictions about what life was like in the Stone Age. ...
In History, we became archeologists and discovered artefacts from the Stone Age. Once we found an artefact we passed it around and made predictions about what life was like in the Stone Age. ...
We started our history topic learning all about Walter Tull. We looked at pictures of him and as a group we discussed what we thought he might have done in his life and why he is a significant person in history. Then we read all...
We’re all enjoying painting using lots of red paint to paint our boxes . We’re making a sensory bus for us all to play in ....
Our topic book is 'Baby Goes To Market', so we decided to make fresh orange juice using oranges that we bought from the market. We used our fine motor skills to squeeze and twist the oranges. Whilst talking about turn taking. Delicious!...
Reception have been busy using their imagination to create things using junk modelling materials. We have also enjoyed riding the bikes around the track....
Roseberry Place is a School Street, all School Streets operate from 8.30am to 9.30am and 3pm to 4pm, Monday to Friday during school term time. Unfortunately there are a number of cars that have been travelling down Roseberry Place, mounting the pavement and parking in...
In Nursery, we have had lots of fun getting to know our new teachers and friends. We have been beginning to explore our facial features, including our eyes, nose, mouth and ears. We have been exploring some emotions and how our facial expressions change and...
In writing this week, Year 6 have looked at the importance of paragraphs. We used some sentences to put them into a sequence and identify the difference between the paragraph themes. We now know that we need to use a new paragraph when there is...
This term in Art, we created our own self-portraits in the style of the Artist Frida Kahlo....
In Writing we are learning how to write an adventure story about a chariot race. For our immersion lesson we made our own chariots and raced them around the running track pretending to be Romans....