Stone Age painting in Year 6
We are learning all about the Stone Age to Iron Age. We got stuck into cave painting, to experience how the Stone Age people painted without paint brushes or paint as we know it today....
We are learning all about the Stone Age to Iron Age. We got stuck into cave painting, to experience how the Stone Age people painted without paint brushes or paint as we know it today....
We have been reading a newspaper all about Julius Caesar. We have then learnt about the key features of this type of text so that we can then use them in planning an article of our own in writing lessons....
We have been reviewing our understanding of column addition all week and we learnt the vocabulary addend and sum. We have then used our learning to calculated the cost of flights to different countries. We found it hard to understand how an indirect flight could...
In History we are learning about the Vikings and the Viking Invasion of Britain. We have created a wall display showing a map from those times and made Viking long boats to add to the display. We are reading a book called ‘Viking Invasion’ by...
We have created a class charter showing all the ways that we are ready, respectful and safe. We have then been practicing these things together since we have started together in Year 2....
We have been researching different areas of Victorian life. We will be using the facts that we have learnt to write non-chronological reports....
We have been to the art room to paint our self portraits. We used mirrors to look at our image and then mixed colours to create the colours we needed....
We have been focusing on the story 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers in their Writing lessons this week. We used the story to help us to settle back into school and to think about our amazing planet and local community. Here we are in...
We have been exploring counting forwards and backwards. We used our class friend the Octopus to help us climb up the staircase we built as we counted forwards. We then climbed down the staircase and counted backwards. We used our counting skills to help play...