Planting in Nursery
In Science, we've been busy planting some seeds just like Lulu. We wonder how our mini garden will grow!...
In Science, we've been busy planting some seeds just like Lulu. We wonder how our mini garden will grow!...
Nursery have been learning about the different parts of a plant. We are so excited to plant our own seeds next week!...
We have been working on sharing our thoughts, ideas and opinions in Reception through our new topic of minibeasts! We have been using full sentences to explain whether we like, or don't like worms, and have explained reasons why. We used our Makaton signs of...
We have been looking at one of our main science skills “observing over time”. We planted sunflower seeds 2 weeks ago and we put each pot in different conditions to test to see what conditions plants can survive in. One pot had no light, one...
This half term, year 6 have been studying fossils in science and instructions in writing. We made our dinosaur fossils using salt dough and we wrote instructions on how to make these fossils in writing. Next week, we will be painting the fossils in art...
In Science this week we learnt about the transportation of water in plants. We then did an experiment with white flowers and food colouring where we predict that the petals will turn blue!...
As we have been continuing to explore plants, we have been using our observational drawing skills to look closely and draw the colours, shapes and patterns we can see! We used a bunch of fresh flowers to explore the parts of a plant, naming the...
A huge thank you to everyone who brought in junk modelling materials! Nursery have had a blast making a bug hotel to host all of the amazing minibeasts we've been finding in our outdoor provision. ...
We have had lots of fun exploring the plants and insects we have around us in our environment. We have found some snails, spiders, butterflies and ladybirds and have created signs and habitats to keep them safe. We have learnt about things they need to survive,...
At Dalston curve garden we learnt about seeds and seed dispersal. We made our very own flying seeds....