Year 4 Spanish: Weather
In Spanish this week, we have been learning about the weather. We practised matching the picture with the Spanish phrase that describes the weather....
In Spanish this week, we have been learning about the weather. We practised matching the picture with the Spanish phrase that describes the weather....
In Year 1 Spanish this week we have been learning the Spanish words for body parts. We then combined this new knowledge with our previous learning about Spanish colour words. We used these two vocabulary banks to describe aliens!...
In year 5, during our Spanish lesson, with Señor Enric, we learnt how to say body parts in Spanish....
In Spanish, we were learning about our different emotions and how to express them....
This week we have been learning about families in Spanish. We then introduced ourselves in Spanish and said how many siblings we have....
In our Spanish lessons, we have been learning the Spanish words for different actions by playing the game 'Simon says'. We love our lessons with Senior Enrique!...
In our Spanish lesson, year 1 learnt how to sing happy birthday to one of our friends. We also practised identifying colours and saying whether or not we liked to eat particular foods. Finally, we learnt the Spanish words for monkeys and frogs....
In Spanish, we have been learning how to hold conversations about ourselves. We walked around the classroom sharing information about us in Spanish!...
In Spanish this week 1H have been talking about their likes and dislikes using 'me gusta' and 'no me gusta.' We learnt a silly song about delicious and disgusting food combinations to help us remember these new phrases!...
In Spanish we have extended our vocabulary and learnt how to say the names of different fruits....