Note taking skills about Peru in Year 1
In Writing we are writing information text about Peru. Today we worked on our note taking skills to collect facts to use in our writing....
In Writing we are writing information text about Peru. Today we worked on our note taking skills to collect facts to use in our writing....
In maths we have been practising the skill of multiplication using arrays. Here we are making an array out of our own bodies. We learnt that an array is an arrangement of objects in rows and columns....
In Art this week we exhibited great teamwork whilst sculpting this gigantic newspaper spider. It is based on the bronze sculpture by Louise Borgeois entitled 'Maman.' We described her work as scary, interesting and humungous!...
In PHSE this week, we were having discussions about people who help us and who we can go to when we are in need. We showed fantastic listening to our classmates when it was their turn to talk....
[gallery ids="6849,6850"] On the anniversary of Windrush this week, Year 1 were fortunate to get a visit from Year 6. Year 6 shared the posters they have created to educate people about Windrush. We learnt lots of facts and had a great discussion about the importance of...
This week in Maths we have been focusing on the skill of describing the time. We have been telling stories using the language first, after this and then. We also practised reading words relating to time. We thought about what these mean, acted them out and added to...
In Geography, we have been naming and locating the seven continents and the five oceans. We started off our lesson by completing a world map jigsaw in pairs....
This week in Maths we have been focusing on the skill of describing position and direction. We have been making quarter, half, three quarter and full turns using our body parts and objects around the classroom. We gave and followed instructions and learnt that a...
This week during our trip to the Curve Garden, we were printing with okra and creating wonderful pieces of art. We talked about the best way to apply the paint to the okra to get the desired pattern and how much pressure to apply....
As part of our Science focus on plants we have been using the skill of close observation. Whilst at the Curve Garden this week we studied leaves and noticed what was similar and different about them. There is such a great variety of shapes, sizes...