Ready to read in Year 1!
We have continued exploring our new learning environment. We have been thinking about how we can be ready, respectful and safe whilst visiting the book corner. We love reading especially to our lovely reading buddies!...
We have continued exploring our new learning environment. We have been thinking about how we can be ready, respectful and safe whilst visiting the book corner. We love reading especially to our lovely reading buddies!...
In Maths we have been looking at how to use the greater than, less than and equal symbols to compare groups of objects. In this picture, the children were rolling a dice and then adding the number of 'spots' to their dinosaur. Afterwards, they compared...
In our Maths learning this week, we have been using a variety of concrete materials such as dice and cubes to create number sentences which add 3 add ends together. We have also really enjoyed working with our talk partners!...
What a fantastic first week we have had settling into Year 1! During our Maths lessons we have been practising the skill of comparing quantities and measures. Here we are comparing the weight of objects from around our school. First we used our hands to...
In Art, we have been looking at how to use shade and tint to change the colours we use when painting. In this picture, the children are using the watercolours to experiment with adding those techniques to the pictures in order to really bring to...
In our Writing lesson this week we took a virtual flight to Peru. We packed our suitcases, got our passports stamped and boarded the plane where the pilot greeted us in both Spanish and English. Our plane did a loop the loop which was very...
In Writing we are writing information text about Peru. Today we worked on our note taking skills to collect facts to use in our writing....
In maths we have been practising the skill of multiplication using arrays. Here we are making an array out of our own bodies. We learnt that an array is an arrangement of objects in rows and columns....
In Art this week we exhibited great teamwork whilst sculpting this gigantic newspaper spider. It is based on the bronze sculpture by Louise Borgeois entitled 'Maman.' We described her work as scary, interesting and humungous!...
In PHSE this week, we were having discussions about people who help us and who we can go to when we are in need. We showed fantastic listening to our classmates when it was their turn to talk....