Dressing up for World Book Day in the Rainbow Room!
For World Book Day, we dressed up as characters from our favourite book. Do you know who we are?...
For World Book Day, we dressed up as characters from our favourite book. Do you know who we are?...
In our mental maths sessions, we have been focusing on quick recall of subtraction facts. To make our learning more fun, we used our subtraction skills to battle Pokémon with our friends!...
After Rev Laura welcomed everyone to our Christingle service this week, Year 2 sang the first song, 'Christingle', beautifully! They also showed the Christingles they had made in class....
In our Art lesson this week, we have been learning how to create repeated patterns. We learnt about a designer named Orla Keily who designs wallpapers using repeated patterns. We used different mediums to recreate some of her famous patterns....
In our maths lessons we have been learning all about time. Today we made our own clocks to explore to and past and 5 minute intervals....
In our Science lesson we started out new topic ‘Living things and their habitats ‘. We learnt about the ways in which we can decide if something is alive, never alive or dead. We sorted lots of things into categories within our groups....
In year 2 we have been learning about number bonds to 10. We used the part whole model to see if we could see the pattern in the numbers. As part of our extension work we were counting backwards in 2's from 100....
In our RE topic this term, we are exploring the big question 'Where is the light of Christmas?'. We learnt all about Christingles and their meaning. We made our very own Christingle to take home....
In our writing lessons we have been building on our learning of conjunctions! We worked in small groups to sort and join two clauses/sentences together using the appropriate conjunction! Afterwards, we wrote our own sentences using them....
In our Writing lessons, we have been learning about writing in the past tense. We played a game of dominoes where we had to match the past tense of the verb to the present tense. We then used them to write our own sentences with...