Willow patterns in Year 4
In Art, we created our own willow pattern plates. We first drew pictures related to the nativity and then painted around our plates by mixing blue, white and black paint! [gallery ids="4840,4838"]...
In Art, we created our own willow pattern plates. We first drew pictures related to the nativity and then painted around our plates by mixing blue, white and black paint! [gallery ids="4840,4838"]...
We have learnt about Willow pattern art which was designed by an artist named Thomas Minton. You will probably recognise his traditional designs on china plates and bowls; they are still very popular today! The design is known for its blue colour and popular Chinese...
We were inspired by the ‘lenticular prints’ of Luz Perez Ojeda. We designed our own optical illusions by cutting 2 images into strips then alternating them side by side in sequential order!...
We have been creating optical illusions inspired by the 'Lenticular Prints' of Luz Perez Ojeda. We created an image using the principles of lenticular printing and discussed that art can be viewed in different ways and from different perspectives. Our pieces looked different depending on...
We have been learning about the different types of teeth we have and then investigating which teeth we use to eat different foods. It was a yummy science experiment!...
We have loved learning all about how we can look after our teeth. We have explored the different types of teeth we have and what they do. We also researched tooth decay and foods which are not good for our teeth. We shared our learning...
For Anti-Bullying week, we enjoyed wearing odd socks on Monday to represent how we should celebrate our differences. On Tuesday, our wonderfully confident school councillors delivered a presentation on the importance of being kind and how we can stop bullying. We then made some anti-bullying...
We are learning about the digestive system in Science. We did an experiment on what happens to our food as it passes through our body and comes out as waste!...
We have been preparing for our assembly on the Romans. We can't wait to teach the rest of the school about our learning! We have prepared a song and we will also be telling and acting the story of Romulus and Remus. Renae will be...
We have been investigating perimeter. We were using pieces of wool to understand the importance of a unit of measure when measuring lengths....