The Water Cycle in Year 4
Our Science learning is focused on the water cycle and states of matter. This week we used boiling water to observe the process of evaporation and condensation....
Our Science learning is focused on the water cycle and states of matter. This week we used boiling water to observe the process of evaporation and condensation....
In art we have also been recycling boxes into Roman shields so we are ready for battle! We have been exploring how Roman shields would have been used to protect soldiers during battles and discussed the significance of the patterns on the shields. They would...
We have elected our school council members and they are now on show for everyone to see so we know who is representing us....
We have loved learning about Boudicca and the Rebellion. We have had discussions on whether we think she is a hero or a villain and explaining our reasoning. In history, we have been creating biographies on her as well as 'wanted' posters in the perspective...
In History we are learning about the Romans. We created freeze frames to re-enact the last moments of Boudicca’s life. We also created missing person posters!...
We have been reading a newspaper all about Julius Caesar. We have then learnt about the key features of this type of text so that we can then use them in planning an article of our own in writing lessons....
We have been reviewing our understanding of column addition all week and we learnt the vocabulary addend and sum. We have then used our learning to calculated the cost of flights to different countries. We found it hard to understand how an indirect flight could...
As you may know, the Government has asked schools to open up for all children from September 2020. We understand that for some, this will be a welcome relief, for others it may cause huge anxiety and for mostofus,somethinginbetween. Wehavebeenworkinghardasastaffteamtoproducedetailedplans and risk assessments for the...
We have already sent this out by email but in case you have missed it, here it is again. We are so excited that your child is going to be joining us in Reception at Holy Trinity CE Primary School in September 2020. We have a welcome...