Grouping animals in Year 4 Science
In Science, we have been learning about animals and their habitats. We grouped all the animals we could think of into categories....
In Science, we have been learning about animals and their habitats. We grouped all the animals we could think of into categories....
We have been learning about peace in RE. We designed our own peace posters with different symbols that represent peace. ...
In Year 4, we have been learning how to tell the time in Maths. We drew clocks on our tables and labelled them with five minute intervals....
We have been writing an information text on world rivers. Today, we published our final edited versions of our information text....
This week in Computing we have been learning about audio production. We recorded some audio and added a drum beat to it on GarageBand....
We have been learning about facts and opinions in Writing. We did an activity where we separated statements into facts and opinions. ...
We learnt about the human digestive system in Science. We then answered some questions about the topic on our classroom display....
In Year 4, we have been learning how to describe a setting. We read the book ‘A River’ by Marc Martin and mind mapped nouns and adjectives to help us describe the different settings....
In Writing, we have been learning about poetry. Then, we performed the poem 'Dis Poetry' by Benjamin Zephaniah to class....
This week in Maths we have been using gattegno charts to help us with addition and subtraction problems with numbers up to 10000....