Learning about different relationships in year 4
In PSHE, We are learning about relationships. In this lesson we wrote the names of our friends and family on a relationship web....
In PSHE, We are learning about relationships. In this lesson we wrote the names of our friends and family on a relationship web....
This term in Science, we are learning about electricity. In this lesson we worked in groups to investigate which components are needed to light a bulb!...
In maths, we were learning about perimeter. In this lesson, we used string to measure the distance around different shapes/objects in our class then used a ruler to find out the perimeter....
In year 4 we did performance poetry in writing. We added actions to our performances....
In Writing, we created a storyboard plan to help us with writing our own play scripts!...
In Spanish, we have been learning how to hold conversations about ourselves. We walked around the classroom sharing information about us in Spanish!...
In science, we are learning about electricity. In this lesson, we constructed our own circuits that we will use for our experiment next week!...
In writing we are writing play scripts based on tales of Anansi the Spider. Here we are putting on a show based on the book Tiger Soup....
This week in PSHE, we had a discussion about the different friendship groups we have formed, how we fit into them and the friends we value the most and why. Our activity was to created friendship group concircles....
In Geography we started exploring the Caribbean. We identified countries using maps and started to learn all about the culture of St Lucia....