Art Sessions with our New Artist in Residence in Year 5.
In our art lesson this week, we were learning about depth. We used different pencils and practised shading different shapes....
In our art lesson this week, we were learning about depth. We used different pencils and practised shading different shapes....
In our PSHE lessons we are learning about dreams and goals. In this lesson, we thought about what career we may want to have in the future and created a presentation about the qualifications needed, salary expectations and steps we may need to take in...
On Thursday, the Year 5’s visited an exhibition which featured different pieces of art made from glass. We also took part in a workshop that explored how artwork links to sustainability, identity and wellbeing....
In our writing and history lessons, we have been learning about Ancient Greece and Greek myths which has helped us to create and publish our own Greek myths!...
In our Maths lessons this week, we are learning about angles. We used pieces of card to show different angles such as acute, obtuse, and right angles....
In our humanities lesson this term, we are learning about slums and urbanisation. In this lesson, we created our own news reports, reporting on the challenges that people face living in slums!...
In Writing, we have been looking at Winter Poetry. We explored the different features of poems....
In our RE lessons, we were learning about secular and biblical artwork. In this lesson we were looking at different examples of biblical and secular Christmas cards. We then designed our own biblical Christmas cards....
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