Making Scientific Fact Files in Year 6
In Science, year 6 created fact files about different animal types. For each class of animal, each person created groups of facts in order to answer our big question, ‘How do you know a camel is a mammal?’...
In Science, year 6 created fact files about different animal types. For each class of animal, each person created groups of facts in order to answer our big question, ‘How do you know a camel is a mammal?’...
During our writing cycle, focused on the book Cloud Tea Monkeys, pupils engaged in a sensory activity. They explored various types of tea to inspire them to generate descriptive adjectives, depicting the sensory experience of a tea plantation - the feel, sound, scent and appearance...
In Nursery we started a new exciting story - The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We made lots of different caterpillars, utilising a variety of materials, resources and techniques, such as paint, play dough and chalks. We even made edible ones using real fruit, which we all...
Year 2 were working with our Artist in Residence; we were inspired by Orla Kiely’s repeated patterns and printing. We created a print and practised our transfer skills....
In art we learned about printing. We cut out shapes and made stamps so that we could create a repeated pattern....
In our Art lessons, we created our own perspective drawing, which is a technique to create the illusion of depth with a drawn line!...
In the 2 Year old Room we enjoyed making red nose paper plate faces for Red Nose Day. First we painted our faces, then stuck our eyes and added a stick as the handle....
In Baby Room the babies enjoyed building and stacking the wooden blocks to create tall towers....
In Computing, Year 1 are learning how to make a simple robot move. We explored the Beebots for 5 minutes to try to discover what they could do. The children tried to complete challenges such as making the Beebot turn in a full circle using...
In Year 2, we have been learning about animals and their habitats in our science learning. This week we were learning about food chains, through play. We identified foxes, rabbits and grass. What order do you think they should be in, in our food chain? ...