Reception’s Mark Making
This week in Reception there’s been lots of mark making - practising both numbers and sounds. Children have been showing a great, can do attitude, and tried hard to achieve their goals!...
This week in Reception there’s been lots of mark making - practising both numbers and sounds. Children have been showing a great, can do attitude, and tried hard to achieve their goals!...
This week Year 1 went to the Hackney Museum. We travelled to the museum by bus and the children learned the importance of staying safe when going on school trips. At the museum, the children had the opportunity to explore the surroundings and they engaged...
In Maths this week we continued our introduction to multiplication. We have been using the special maths vocabulary ‘factor’ and ‘product.’ The factors are the numbers which are multiplied together and the product is the whole. We learned that whenever one of the factors is...
This week in Year 3 we have been working on column addition! We have been solving problems practically with deines and whiteboards before moving onto pictures and equations in our books. Using the deines helped us to visually see the amounts we are adding together and...
In History this week, Year 4 have reviewed Boudicca’s life and the reasons that she would want a revolution. We then valued each stage of her life and created a living timeline, determining the positive and negative parts of her experiences . We then used...
This term in PSHE we are learning about how to be healthy. In this week's lesson, we learned about smoking and the effects it can have on the body....
This week, Year 6 have been learning to use the ‘show, don’t tell’ technique to build tension and suspense in their writing. We concluded the lesson by drafting a series of three suspenseful examples where we included, personified abstract nouns and pathetic fallacy for effect....
We have been using our classroom Prayer Corners as a peaceful space to enjoy a spiritual moment with God. We love writing our personal prayers into our Class Prayer books to share and celebrate gratitude, hopes and a sense of our shared Christian faith with...
This week the babies are continuing on with the transport theme. In this picture, they are making a train using recycled cardboard for their role-play station. The babies are exploring various resources including blue paint for the train, paper plates as wheels and some tissue...
What an exciting and enriching final week of term we’ve had in Nursery! The children have been busy exploring, learning and having lots of fun through hands-on activities. In Maths, we worked on identifying numerals and matching them with quantities up to 5. Through engaging games and...