Cookery in Reception
Reception worked together to make a tasty dish, while talking about what they were doing in order to develop their vocabulary...
Reception worked together to make a tasty dish, while talking about what they were doing in order to develop their vocabulary...
Year 1 entertained us with a fantastic assembly this week, where they shared their learning about Australia with us!...
In our assembly last week, Year 1 shared their art work, inspired by Aboriginal art, which they produced as part of their topic 'Australia' . Look at their lovely work!...
In PSHE this week we read the wonderful story of 'The Colour Monster'. This book helped us think about the different emotions we can feel throughout the day. The book encouraged us to think about who helps us and how we can help ourselves in...
In Music this week we sang a catchy song about chickens and hens. Some of us used percussion instruments to mark the beat and we used hand actions to show that we understood the musical notation of a ‘rest’....
We learned about what different people did during the disaster of the Great Fire. Working in pairs, we made presentations to decide who was most to blame for the fire and who was the biggest hero. We had fun sharing ideas and thinking about who...
To finish off our Collage unit in Art, we looked at Bridget Riley who is famous for her Op Art! We used black paper to collage our own optical illusions. The illusions made our eyes go all funny and disorientated and some of us could...
In Religious Education this week, the children have wrapped up their knowledge from the half term on Hinduism by answering the question 'How do Hindus worship?'...
Year 5 had a fantastic time on their residential trip to Ufton Court, where they took part in lots of fun outdoor and indoor activities. Here are just a few of the things they did!...
This week, through a series of investigations, Year 6 have been exploring how light can be reflected from one surface to another. This has helped them to understand how we see. Children were then given the task of creating a mirror maze to direct light...