Learning emotions in Spanish in Year 3
In Spanish, we were learning about our different emotions and how to express them....
In Spanish, we were learning about our different emotions and how to express them....
We looked closely at photographs of Dalston High street, taken at each decade from the 1950s until the 2020's. We arranged the photos into a chronological timeline and discussed the signs that tell us that the photos were not a modern scenes. Finally, as a...
In Reception, we have been following instructions and looking at recipes to make our very own Elmer biscuits. We needed flour, butter, sugar and colourful toppings to make our biscuit. They were delicious. :)...
We all had so much fun driving around our classroom in the bus we all made together Beep Beep!...
We enjoyed using our senses to explore fruity ice. We then thought of ways we could get the fruit out of the ice. We then used different tools to break the ice....
In Nursery, we have had lots of fun getting to know our new teachers and friends. We have been beginning to explore our facial features, including our eyes, nose, mouth and ears. We have been exploring some emotions and how our facial expressions change and...
In writing this week, Year 6 have looked at the importance of paragraphs. We used some sentences to put them into a sequence and identify the difference between the paragraph themes. We now know that we need to use a new paragraph when there is...
This term in Art, we created our own self-portraits in the style of the Artist Frida Kahlo....
In Writing we are learning how to write an adventure story about a chariot race. For our immersion lesson we made our own chariots and raced them around the running track pretending to be Romans....
In Writing, we played charades to discover powerful verbs and adverbs. Can you tell how Jessica is laughing? Which adverb did she used?...