Big Friendly Giant in Year 3!
This term we are reading the BFG by Roald Dahl. In our first lesson we wrote about how the characters may have felt when they first saw the BFG. Just in case you didn't know BFG stands for Big Friendly Giant!!!...
This term we are reading the BFG by Roald Dahl. In our first lesson we wrote about how the characters may have felt when they first saw the BFG. Just in case you didn't know BFG stands for Big Friendly Giant!!!...
We have made an excellent start to the new year! In English we are looking at the story 'FArTHER' by Grahame Baker Smith. We started off our topic by using expanded noun phrases to describe the characters within the story. We are starting to write...
O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? In our first week back we have immersed ourselves into our writing text Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Using our drama skills, we acted out this tragic love story....
Something we find tricky in Year 2 is remembering our capital letters and full stops to make a sentence. This week we edited using traffic light sentences! We used green for go (capital letters) and red for stop (full stops). We worked well in partners...
We have written persuasive speeches in Year 6. We have been reading the graphic novel, Illegal, which tells the story of a young boy's difficult journey to Europe. Our persuasive speeches highlight the challenges refugees face and why we should support them. Here is one...
We created performances of poems written by Benjamin Zephaniah. We used movement and sounds to present to the class and bring the poetry to life....
We are writing poetry based on the poem ‘The magic box’ by Kit Wright. We have been learning how to separate items in a list by using commas. We made ourselves into a sentence (like in the photo) to check where the correct punctuation goes....
We have been working really hard in our writing lessons to write speeches about climate change. We then performed them to the class....
We have been creating an anti-bullying raps or poems. We also used GarageBand to create music to accompany our raps. Watch the poems below that were written and performed by children here at Holy Trinity during Anti-bullying Week.
We have been exercising our hands in preparation for our handwriting lesson....