Practicing positional language in Maths in Nursery
During our Maths sessions, we were using positional language. We were outside going up and down the hill and the slide....
During our Maths sessions, we were using positional language. We were outside going up and down the hill and the slide....
We are so excited to share with you our Play & Talk workshops! These workshops have been designed to share with parents and carers four different interaction strategies alongside activities that can be used at home in order to support the development of communication and language...
In Nursery for our Reading, we have continued our core text 'Aaarrrggghhh Spider'. The children are really enjoying this book. This week we have created our own webs and we have been exploring all things spiders and minibeasts....
In Nursery, as part of our learning of minibeasts we had our very own caterpillar friends! They changed quickly from small caterpillars, to longer and bigger caterpillars, and into a chrysalis! When we returned after the Easter break we had butterflies! We released them this week...
We created our own caterpillars! We used lots of different materials to create caterpillars that were have hung around the classroom. We carefully cut the tomatoes and cucumbers and used raisins to make eyes and feet. We then ate them and it was delicious....
We have continued focusing on our core text 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We re-told the story and tasted some of the fruits the caterpillar ate. We had some oranges, strawberries, apples and pears, It was sooo delicious! In Maths this week we were creating patterns....
Come, explore and borrow from our new Early Years Library! Explore a range of high-quality stories and resources that you can share at home! You will find some board books, topic-specific stories, rhymes and poems, story props and parent information related to story time and developing...
In our Physical Education sessions and in our outdoor provision, we have been practicing our throwing and catching with our friends....
This week we took part in some Drama. We learnt to move our bodies like clowns, jugglers, tightrope walkers and magicians. We had lots of fun. As world book day is approaching we have been spending lots of time in our book corner and reading poems....
We spent the day decorating our pancakes with strawberries and blueberries. We used the fruit to create faces. We learnt about Shrove Tuesday/Pancake day and why we celebrate it. Then we ate our delicious pancakes. They were very Yummy!...