Year 6 smashed the plank at Sports Day!
We had a brilliant time at our final Holy Trinity Sports Day!...
We had a brilliant time at our final Holy Trinity Sports Day!...
It has been assessment week in year 2 this week but we have still found time to use our bodies and create the alphabet! We put our teamwork to the test and worked in small groups to create letters of the alphabet. We had to...
In PE we have been completing rugby drills. We then used these skills to play games of tag ruby....
On Thursday we played netball against 6 other schools in Hackney. We played really well and managed to come 4th overall!...
If your child is participating in a sports after school club on a day that they do not have PE, please send them into school with a NAMED pair of trainers for them to change into for the club....
In Science we have been learning all about staying healthy and the different things we can do. We talked about exercise, balanced diets and hygiene. We made our own exercise videos, explored different food groups and even did a science experiment to learn about the...