Raisin dance investigation in Year 4
In Science we have been investigating the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We used raisins to make them 'dance' as the gas in the fizzy water made the solid move with the bubbles....
In Science we have been investigating the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We used raisins to make them 'dance' as the gas in the fizzy water made the solid move with the bubbles....
This half term we are looking at 'changes of matter 'in Science. We did an experiment to see if the weight of ice changes when it melts to water. Ask us what the results were!...
In our Maths lessons, we have been exploring different strategies we can use to add multiples of 100. We used different practical resources to help us....
In Writing, we are exploring a new book - 'Romans on the Rampage'. To immerse ourselves into the book, we pretended to be Romans and took part in a chariot race on the playdeck!...
We have been looking at the number 1000. We have used different types of measures to explore the number, looking at capacity, length and mass....
In our Writing lessons we took part in a debate about whether iPads should be banned in schools. We wrote a list with our own reasons for iPads and against them. We then came up in pairs, voicing our opinions to the whole class!...
Year 4 are excited to publish their non- chronological reports on West Africa. We have been working hard on ensuring we are using features including relative clauses, fronted adverbials and a list of three. Our learning in Geography has strongly supported our Writing as we...
We created persuasive posters encouraging travellers to visit West Africa. We explored some historic landmarks, food and culture that travellers could appreciate from visiting countries in West Africa....
We have had a fantastic week! We started to plan our non-chronological report on West Africa using our learning from our Geography lessons. We looked at a non-chronological report example and to recap and discuss its features, and thought about what subheadings what we could...
This week, we have started learning about time and reading an analogue clock. We have loved using clocks and developing our understanding about minutes and hours. We now know how to read the time to the nearest minute and 5 minutes. Miss Porritt has loved...