Persuasive Jubilee celebration letter writing in Year 4
In preparation for our Platinum Jubilee celebration this week, in writing, we wrote persuasive letters inviting a special friend to a Royal wedding....
In preparation for our Platinum Jubilee celebration this week, in writing, we wrote persuasive letters inviting a special friend to a Royal wedding....
Year 4 have been preparing for the Queen's Jubilee this week. Our theme is Royal Weddings, so we have been researching royal wedding dresses through the ages and together created own wedding dress! In addition, in Writing, we have written persuasive letters from the Queen...
In Writing this week, we have been writing a newspaper report based on a Chinese tale called the Rainmaker. We used our knowledge of report writing to retell this fiction fable in a non fiction style. ...
In maths, we are busy preparing for our times table test in June. This week, we created a help sheet for each times table to help each other think of useful strategies to practise each times table at home, we will make these into booklets....
This week, we will begin writing a newspaper report based on a tale from the ‘Tales of China book. In preparation, we worked in groups to create our own news reports....
In topic, we are learning about the Shang Dynasty. This week, we worked in groups to discuss what we have already learnt about the Shang Dynasty and asked questions about what we wanted to find out, e.g. How did the Shang learn? How did the Shang...
In history we are continuing our investigation into Fu Hoa’s tomb. We used our classification and inference skills to organise the artefacts found into groups that could tell us about life in the Shang dynasty. ...
In History we took a close look at the artefacts found in Fu Hao’s tomb in the Shang Dynasty. Fu Hoa was a female army leader and she was buried with many valuable items....
In PSHE we explored the different zones of regulation and discussed the importance of acknowledging our feelings and understanding that everybody at some point experiences all of the different zones and that is ok. We discussed different strategies of managing our feelings such as breathing...
In writing, we have started reading the beautiful 'Willow Pattern Story' by Allan Drummond. The story is pictured in the very famous willow pattern blue and white crockery still used today. At the start of the week, we immersersed ourselves into the story and made...