Performing ‘Tiger Soup’ in Year 4
This week in Writing, Year 4 have been learning about play scripts. They practised their acting skills by performing the play ‘Tiger Soup’....
This week in Writing, Year 4 have been learning about play scripts. They practised their acting skills by performing the play ‘Tiger Soup’....
In art we learned about printing. We cut out shapes and made stamps so that we could create a repeated pattern....
[gallery ids="12180,12181,12182,12183,12184,12185,12186,12187,12188,12189,12190,12191,12192,12193,12194,12195,12196,12197,12198"]...
In Science we were learning about electricity. We did an experiment where we created a circuit with a battery, wires, a switch and a motor....
In science we have been learning about electricity. We did an experiment where we created a circuit with a battery, wires, a switch and a motor....
In maths, we have been learning our 7 times tables. For our first lesson, we created a presentation using our 7x table facts and presented to the class....
We have been learning about The British Empire in history this half term. We took part in a role play about the British Empire and their involvement in the spice trade with India....
In Year 4, we have been learning the divisibility rule for 2, 3 and 6. We used the manipulatives app to help us compare how many groups of 3 there are in one group of 9....
We have been learning about Hinduism in RE. We made a vent diagram with similarities and differences between Hinduism and Christianity. ...
This week we went to Britannia Leisure Centre to participate in the Festival of Sports. We won the team spirit trophy....