Learning about the digestive system in Year 4 Science
We learnt about the human digestive system in Science. We then answered some questions about the topic on our classroom display....
We learnt about the human digestive system in Science. We then answered some questions about the topic on our classroom display....
In Year 4, we have been learning how to describe a setting. We read the book ‘A River’ by Marc Martin and mind mapped nouns and adjectives to help us describe the different settings....
In Writing, we have been learning about poetry. Then, we performed the poem 'Dis Poetry' by Benjamin Zephaniah to class....
This week in Maths we have been using gattegno charts to help us with addition and subtraction problems with numbers up to 10000....
Year 4 explored the life of Maya Angelou. They explored her poetry and wrote biographies detailing her life and achievements. They also created beautiful night sky artworks....
In Maths in Year 4, we have been learning how to add three multiples of 100. We used the manipulative app to help us with our learning....
In PSHE, we were learning about being a class team. We played a game where we had to pass a ball around the circle without our voices or hands....
In Maths we have been learning about numbers to 1000. We measured the running track in metres and worked out how many laps we would have to do to run 1km....
In Writing we are learning how to write an adventure story about a chariot race. For our immersion lesson we made our own chariots and raced them around the running track pretending to be Romans....
We are learning about the Liturgy in our RE lessons this term. In this lesson, we created our own church service which included songs and prayers....