Year 5 and 6 Netball Tournament
On Thursday we played netball against 6 other schools in Hackney. We played really well and managed to come 4th overall!...
On Thursday we played netball against 6 other schools in Hackney. We played really well and managed to come 4th overall!...
We made portraits using our favourite inspirational words and poems. Can you tell who this is!? ...
In our art lesson we were learning about sketching and the importance of shading. After practicing shading techniques we chose our favourite cartoon character to sketch. We loved learning how shade and make our drawings look 3D. [gallery ids="4346,4347,4348,4349"] ...
We have been preparing our presentations about anti-bullying week....
Learning a song and the actions in our singing lesson with Mr Cook. [gallery ids="4338,4339,4340"]...
We have been exploring inequality around the world in order to make information posters....
We made Malawah which are Sweet Pancakes from Somalia. They were delicious!...
We have been making vases in the style of the Greek vases. We have begun painting them, we will add the detail next. [gallery ids="3793,3794,3795"]...
In Science we have been looking at what dissolves and what doesn't. We've also made our own salt crystals. In History we are finishing exploring Ancient Greece by making our own Greek vases. [gallery ids="3681,3680,3679"] ...