Anxiety Workshop for Parents Friday 23rd June
Anxiety Workshop for Parents (2)...
Anxiety Workshop for Parents (2)...
In our Maths lessons this week, we have been finding fractions of a quantity. In this lesson, we used the Brainingcamp app to help us with our activity!...
In Maths, Year 2 have been practising telling the time and reading a clock to 5 minute intervals. We began by reminding ourselves what each number represented on the clock and how many minutes past or to the hour that was....
In Maths, we have been playing shape, number and numerical pattern games. We were able to find some odd and even numbers and doubles of numbers using the large Numicon. We were also able to take turns whilst playing 'find the shape' and 'snakes and...
As part of our learning about country comparisons, we have been exploring a story called ‘Anna Hibiscus Song’. We have been exploring some African cultures while looking at different environments, foods and activities. We explored pounding and tasting yams and mangoes, just like Anna did!...
We have been practicing our mark-making skills on the easel. We used a paint brush to make lines and circles on the large paper while singing a motion song!...
Our JRSO’s taught our Nursery and Reception children about Road Safety. They prepared a presentation to teach the children how to cross roads safely using ‘Stop, Look, Listen and Think’. As we know lots of children like to scoot or ride bikes to school, the...
In Gardening club, we have worked hard on improving the area at the front of the school. In addition to doing plenty of weeding, we also planted some great sweet peas that should hopefully brighten up our office!...
On Thursday 25th May, some of our Year 5/6 children represented our school at a Regional NFL Flag tournament. Amazingly, the children have learnt all of the rules ( there are many!) for this game in a really short time period and worked tremendously hard...
Year 6 visited Natural History Museum. We had a workshop learning all about Evolution....