Year 5 Writing Competition Entrants
Our fantastic writing entrants (from year 5) were hard at work during play time today, in preparation for the competition deadline. We cannot wait to read their creative masterpiece!...
Our fantastic writing entrants (from year 5) were hard at work during play time today, in preparation for the competition deadline. We cannot wait to read their creative masterpiece!...
This week, we have been exploring the remarkable story of Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in out writing lesson. The story documents the treacherous journey encountered by both men as they strived to achieve their goal to reach the summit of Mount Everest. In...
We use Read Write Inc Phonics at Holy Trinity Primary School. Find out more about Read Write Inc Phonics - and how you can support your child with phonics - here: Parent guide to Read Write Inc. Phonics - Oxford Owl...
This week in Year 6, we have been busy editing and publishing our final piece of writing, inspired by the text ‘The Savage Spectacle of Wild Boy’. We have enjoyed the book so much that it even inspired our World Book Day costumes!...
This week in Reception there’s been lots of mark making - practising both numbers and sounds. Children have been showing a great, can do attitude, and tried hard to achieve their goals!...
This week, Year 6 have been learning to use the ‘show, don’t tell’ technique to build tension and suspense in their writing. We concluded the lesson by drafting a series of three suspenseful examples where we included, personified abstract nouns and pathetic fallacy for effect....
This week, Year 6 have been compiling evidence to support their argument on: the exploitation of those with abnormalities in freak shows. The argument is inspired by the life of a young boy from the story ‘The Little Freak’, which highlights the discrimination and unfair treatment...
In Year 3, we engaged in an immersive and creative activity known as “hot seating” to deepen our understanding of the character of Mr.Majeika. This interactive exercise allowed students to step into the shoes of the quirky and magical teacher, embodying his unique traits, mannerisms...
This week in our writing lessons we used our whiteboards and pens to compose our sentences for the retelling of 'Room on the Broom'. The children used capital letters, finger spaces and their phonic knowledge to write captions for key scenes from the story. This...
In Year 6, we have been learning about the power of language when used for effect. To prepare for our setting description, we have been exploring a range of language devices and how to manipulate our word choices to achieve a dark and mysterious tone....