Writing letters from the perspective of Nelson Mandela in Year 4
In Writing, we were exploring the use of fronted adverbials to help us write letters from the perspective of Nelson Mandela....
In Writing, we were exploring the use of fronted adverbials to help us write letters from the perspective of Nelson Mandela....
In 4T we published our balanced arguments by recording them as speeches. We used formal language and formal tone. You could’ve mistaken us for newsreaders!...
We have been learning all about fantastically great women who have changed the world. In our immersion lessons, we have been thinking about the life and achievements of Frida Kahlo. We enjoyed learning about her passion for art and we made our own Frida Kahlo...
In Year 6, we have learnt about how we can create cohesion using punctuation marks. Have a look at our sentences we helped each other to create!...
In Writing, we are learning all about fronted adverbials and how they can bring cohesion to our balanced arguments....
This writing cycle we will be writing instructions on how to trap a dragon! For our first lesson, we followed Pie Corbett’s instructions and made a dragon trap and caught lots of cheeky dragons. We also explored the features of instructions and why they are...
In Writing, we were immersing ourselves into our new book, The BFG. We talked about how characters can look one way on the outside but on the inside be different to what we expected. Here we are matching appearance descriptions to the personality we would...
Dragons spotted in America! We started our writing topic based on the book ‘Tell me a dragon’ by Jackie Morris by imagining there were sightings of dragons in America. To entice the dragons back where they belong we designed and created a dragon world together...
In Nursery, as part of our exploration of the story 'The Snowy Day', we have been exploring ice and snow! We used our senses of sight, smell and touch to explore what the ice looks, smells and feels like. We learnt that ice melts when...
In our Writing lessons, we were exploring the thoughts and feelings of the main character from the John Lewis Christmas advert, Man on the Moon. A few of us took on the persona of the main character while others asked us questions....