Art Sessions with our New Artist in Residence in Year 5.
In our art lesson this week, we were learning about depth. We used different pencils and practised shading different shapes....
In our art lesson this week, we were learning about depth. We used different pencils and practised shading different shapes....
In maths, we have been learning our 7 times tables. For our first lesson, we created a presentation using our 7x table facts and presented to the class....
In our writing cycle, we are exploring informational texts and delving into the differences between facts and opinions. We examined how they can be distinguished from each other....
This week we have been exploring the colour yellow. We’ve looked at different objects and animals that are yellow, such as chicks. We’re decorating our chicks with different materials such as feathers, tissue paper, glitter and paint. We’re practising making strokes, shaking glitter and being...
In our writing lessons this week we have begun our journalist journey! We will be reporting on the Great Fire of London! To kick off our learning, we put Thomas Farriner in the hot seat to find out more information about how the fire started....
In Geography, we learnt about the different territories that make up Australia. We had a competition to build Australia using paper puzzle pieces in the fastest time. We were intrigued to find out about some of the cities in Australia, as well as the wildlife...
We Love Reading! This week we visited our library to find some transport books. We selected books we enjoy reading and read 'Naughty Bus' , one of our class favourites....
In Nursery, we started reading our new core text "What the Ladybird Heard" by Julia Donaldson. We learned new vocabulary about farm animals and we made ladybirds with our playdough!...
Our new topic is 'Colours'. We made a beautiful craft rainbow. We then sat down with rainbows and sang the rainbow song together as a class....
Year 1 sang 'The Christingle Song' in our Christingle Service this week. They were so confident and carried their own Christingles, which they had made in class....