Year 3 Christimas Display Day
In Year 3 for Christmas Display Day, we created stained glass window baubles made with tissue paper and cellophane....
In Year 3 for Christmas Display Day, we created stained glass window baubles made with tissue paper and cellophane....
In R.E. we learned all about the importance of remembrance. We looked at what and why we remember and designed our own poppies!...
In Year 3 we are looking at measurement. We were learning about centimetres and metres. We estimated the length of objects around the classroom and then checked our predictions....
Year 3 learnt about the life of Althea Mcnish. They created artwork inspired by her works using wax patterns and paint....
In Maths, we are learning all about the number 100. We did an enquiry the see the different ways we could split 100 into equal parts....
In Spanish, we were learning about our different emotions and how to express them....
In History, we became archeologists and discovered artefacts from the Stone Age. Once we found an artefact we passed it around and made predictions about what life was like in the Stone Age. ...
In Writing, we played charades to discover powerful verbs and adverbs. Can you tell how Jessica is laughing? Which adverb did she used?...
This week we have been learning about families in Spanish. We then introduced ourselves in Spanish and said how many siblings we have....
We have been learning how to tell the time to the nearest minute. We have been using an online Analogue clock and testing our talking partners on their knowledge of time....