29 Apr Scarlet Fever – Symptoms to look out for
Please be reassured that we do not have anyone with Scarlet Fever here at Holy Trinity however there are cases in Hackney so we wanted to share symptoms with you so you know what you are looking out for.
Scarlet fever is also a mild childhood illness but unlike chickenpox, it requires antibiotic treatment. Symptoms include a sore throat, headache, fever, nausea and vomiting, followed by a fine red rash which typically first appears on the chest and stomach, rapidly spreading to other parts of the body. On more darkly-pigmented skin, the scarlet rash may be harder to spot, but it should feel like ‘sandpaper’. The face can be flushed red but pale around the mouth. As the rash fades the skin on the fingertips, toes and groin area can peel.
If you think you, or your child, have scarlet fever:
See your GP or contact NHS 111 as soon as possible
Make sure that you/your child takes the full course of any antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
Stay at home, away from nursery, school or work for at least 24 hours after starting the antibiotic treatment, to avoid spreading the infection