26 Feb Developing a Mud Kitchen Area in the EYFS
Posted at 14:50h
in 04.03.22 News, 11.03.22 News, 18.03.22 News, 25.02.22 News, Nursery, Parents, Preschool, Reception
Across all of our Early Years classes we are looking at ways to enhance our Home Corners and develop a Mud Kitchen Area to further support the development of communication and language. Research shows that childrens oral language develops when they can role play familiar situations and make connections to the world around them.
To support us doing this, we would love it if you could help us build this by donating and collecting any unused resources, including junk modelling!
We are looking for:
– old pots and pans
– kitchen utensils
– bowls, measuring cups, trays
– unused electronics: toaster, sandwich press, mixers etc.
– junk modelling: food packaging, lids (all sorts!), spare buttons, kitchen towel rolls, containers, bottles, shells, rocks, pebbles, fabric