06 Jul Hackney Summer Choral Course – 25th – 29th July 2022 – 8 – 18 Year Olds
The children across the school have been learning to sing with our singing teacher George Cook and many of them have been loving it.
Please find attached a flyer that has been shared with us by the charity who are providing the school with a singing teacher.
If your child is talking about their singing lessons and is singing more at home, why not sign them up for the Hackney Summer Choral Course running from 25th – 29th July 2022, 9am–4.30pm, it is free of charge, with families making a £5 donation if they can afford to. The children will have the opportunity to go to St Paul’s Cathedral that week too.
The course is for 8 – 18 year olds.
Use the link below to sign up for more information about the course: