10 Mar Supporting your child’s learning in Computing
The importance of Computing
Technology is such an integral part of our lives that it is embedded right across our curriculum. We want to break down the elements and look at its importance so you can best understand how you can support your child in Computing.
What is Computing?
Growing up in an technology-rich environment means that children need to have opportunities to experience and develop skills in its use that will help them make the most of adult life. Contrary to what we often think, technology isn’t simply about computers but includes anything that requires the input of instructions to produce specific outcomes. From your mobile phone, DVD player, washing machine, traffic lights and even speed cameras.
Computing at Holy Trinity
Computing capability is an essential skill for life and enables learners to participate more readily in a rapidly changing world. Using the internet and email, for example, gives them rapid access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures.
Learning about control systems and robots increases children’s awareness of many of the operating systems we use to manage our everyday lives. You could say that it develops essential life skills they will need in adult life, such as operating a washing machine and other devices.
The use of technology is incorporated into practically every lesson your child participates in at school. We embed as much as possible but still have discrete Computing sessions just like in secondary school, where children will typically have ICT classes that are lessons in their own right.
Whatever stage of learning your child is at, the use of technology can help motivate, stimulate or if necessary, re-engage them. Challenging tasks become more manageable and mundane activities more accessible. We have also discovered that some children reach higher levels when technology is made a part of lessons as it helps them grasp concepts in a different way.
Using software and apps at home
Since technology can be so beneficial, using software or apps at home compliments the skills children are learning in school and can help parents become more aware and involved in their child’s use of technology.
- Check out the ‘Apps we use’ page on our website. The majority of apps we use are free and can be used on multiple platforms.
- Find out what your child hopes to achieve through using technology. You don’t want to control what they are doing and exploring its potential is always useful. But for them to benefit fully it is important to maintain a specific learning focus.
- Use common sense to gauge what your child is enjoying and finding beneficial. Help them decide what is good for them and to work out when they need to move on to something different.
This leaflet below has been designed by @BarefootComp to give parents information to help them to support their child’s learning in Computing.