23 Mar Caterpillar Visitors in Nursery!
This week in Nursery, we started a new story—The Very Hungry Caterpillar—which has quickly become a favourite! Inspired by the story, we created our own caterpillars using various materials and techniques, including playdough, paint stamping with balloons, and handprints. We also explored symmetry by spreading paint on one side of a sheet, folding it, and revealing a beautiful butterfly shape.
We were thrilled to welcome five new “pets” to Nursery—adorable caterpillars which are slowly eating, growing, and transforming into butterflies. Watching them change each day has brought our story to life, sparking excitement and curiosity among the children.
In Maths, we focused on recognising, continuing, and creating ABAB patterns. The children had fun making patterns with cubes, fruits, body movements, and anything they could find in our provision.
The highlight of the week was our trip to Spitalfields City Farm! The children loved seeing farm animals up close in their natural environment, making for an unforgettable experience. We will share pictures of this trip in next week’s newsletter.
We look forward to another exciting week ahead!